Purchasing system for the construction & installation industry
Contact Symbrio
Do you have any questions about how the digital purchasing system works? Contact our sales team or our help desk.
Do you have any questions about how the digital purchasing system works? Contact our sales team or our help desk.
Phone: +46 (0)8 20 49 50
Email contact: kontakt@symbrio.com
Email invoice: faktura@symbrio.com
Robert Olsson
Email: Robert.olsson@symbrio.com
Phone: +46(0)70 358 91 64
Jonas Agartz
Phone: +46 (0)76 879 21 77
The helpdesk is open weekdays at 8-16.30.
At the Helpdesk, we provide second-line support, which means that we rarely support pure user questions. Every customer has at least one super user internally who is there to take care of end user issues.
Email: helpdesk@symbrio.com
Kristin at the Symbrios Helpdesk
This is how it works
Invoice system